Wednesday, March 11, 2009

24 days....

"10th March 09" After 24 days of waiting and waiting, finally, my phone connection was fixed.. Whose fault? Everyone who involved.. I just got the internet connection as well yesterday and it was such a torturing period to go through for the past few weeks without internet at home.. I cant blame anyone for the delay here but one thing I've to mention here is that the service offered by the phone company is lousy. Here, there are several telecommunication providers, and Snap is one of them and the phone base plan as well as the internet broadband plan were the cheapest among all.. Do u know, it took more than a week to get the connection sorted..And even worse, there was a cross-wire in the connection of my house phone line and the house behind me.. How could this happen as it is not the first time this house was rented out, there has been several "generations" of people staying here before..The phone line should work properly.. But, anyway, lets talk about sth which is more interesting...

The moment I stepped on the Christchurch International Airport, it was about 3pm on 15th Feb and the weather was pretty hot with slightly cold wind blowing..This drastic temperature difference actually has further worsen my eczema problem and it took me one whole week to adapt to the freezing temperature.. Now, the autumn season has begun, the temperature will keep on dropping till winter and it might be worse if it's raining or during cloudy days but apparently, even though the sun is shining and no matter how bright or strong the sunlight is, the cold temperature still remains the same and it gets colder if there is wind blowing.. Thanks Gloria and Airy btw for welcoming us at the airport and fetched us to our residence..

An inspection on the house was carried out at about 5pm.. Every corner was inspected by the landlord and an agreement was signed.. The house that we rent looks nice in overall but not nice after looking at all the details of the house.. Below are some of the photos taken in my house.. The address of my house is 164 Waimairi Road, 8041 Ilam and it's just beside Waimairi Community Centre (just before the traffic light and Domino Pizza).. Staying out of campus is a new experience to me and it's indeed interesting and I can learn much from the management of the house..


Front Door


Clothes Washing

Inside Garage


Waimairi Community Centre

My House


My room table

My Room

Kitchen (Cooking Stove and Oven)

Kitchen (Side)




Dining Table (Temporary)

My Bed (Before putting duvet cover)

Before getting into my life staying here, I wanna share some photos I captured during the journey from Brisbane Australia to Christchurch NZ (Journey from KL - Sydney (transit) - Brisbane - Christchurch):

KL --> Sydney(transit)
Entertainment on flight (MAS)

Staying Overnight at Brisbane International Aiport (to catch out next flight the next day) : As usual, food is the main problem there, all the cafes were close at night till early morning and this is what I can find, the size of the muffin was indeed huge!! about 3 times larger than a normal muffin we got in M'sia...

Overnight Stay:

Brisbane --> Christchurch
East Coast of Australia (Around Gold Coast)

Canterbury Mountain Range

Canterbury Grassland



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